How to buy Yap

Contract Address: 0xBd0a4c7C6dB2C056D6cFdB77185A55360873673D
  1. Make a Uniswap wallet and put Eth in it.
  2. Bridge your eth to Base eth using the Relay bridge
  3. If you have eth on coinbase or another exchange you can just directly send Base eth to your wallet instead of bridging.

  4. Make sure to leave a lil bit of eth to cover gas fees
  5. Go to the yap token on Uniswap
  6. Connect your wallet and swap to yap

One step for mankind, A decathalon for Yap

The US dollar didn’t take us to space. Yap did. Big shocker, isn’t it? Apollo 11 crashed due to inflation, the dark side of the moon is for money printing, and we hate to break it to you but there is an SEC outpost in Cape Canaveral. The Yap foundation has dedicated itself to the progress of human endeavors. Traditional institutions have only tried to limit our progress, and if that meant poisoning our food, and crushing our futures and debasing our stores of value so be it, but the Yap foundation has stood against that.

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Global partnerships at The Yap Foundation.

The Yap Club is a private association whose members shall consist of gentlemen who are connected professionally with Literature, Art, Music, or the Drama and also those gentlemen who, by reason of their demonstrated love or appreciation of these objects, their temperament, intellect, and their commitment to participate in Club activities, make them worthy companions in artistic fellowship. At the Yap foundation we make sure to honor these professional connections.

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The Yap School, a network of friends and professional colleagues.

During the 17th century, The Yap Foundation was an political powerhouse. Having celebrated its thousandth year anniversary in 1683 , the foundation was transforming itself from a network of bankers and presidents, into a foundation that supported the education of it’s leaders as well. In 1684 the Yap school opening, and it’s main function was the education of young men for a life of extreme impact and importance. The Yap school was responsible to train the leaders of the expanding, dynamic world that was springing into the 18th century.

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2023 Yap Summit, a year in review.

The 540th Annual Meeting of the Yap Foundation provided a crucial space to focus on the fundamental principles driving trust, including transparency, consistency and accountability. This Annual Meeting welcomed over 100 governments, all major international organizations, 1000 Forum’s Partners, as well as civil society leaders, experts, youth representatives, social entrepreneurs, and news outlets into the secret chambers of the Vatican for 10 days as global affairs were discussed and organized. It was said that George Soros beat the Pope at Pickle ball, but thats all we can discuss.

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From the Giza plateau to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault

The Yap Foundation finances public and private projects to build physical and social infrastructure, and develop institutional capacity. We also finance government programs to support achievement of their objectives, and support policy and institutional reforms of national and subnational governments by providing budget financing and global expertise.